Penetration Test Report

Penetration Test Report

Blog  Penetration Test Report Penetration Test Report For any modern enterprise, the security of systems and web networks must be a top priority. In order to achieve that goal, businesses hire IT staff; they invest in hardware firewalls, spam filters, anti-malware...
Azure Penetration Testing

Azure Penetration Testing

Blog  Azure Penetration Testing Azure Penetration Testing Are you worried about the safety of your data in the cloud? Azure penetration testing is vital to securing apps on this giant platform.  What is Azure Penetration Testing?  Azure penetration testing is a...
Network Security Audit

Network Security Audit

Threat actors are constantly trying to discover weaknesses in the security perimeters of company networks. To make matters worse, the complexity of today’s technology makes it easy for human error to occur even among people who have no intention of doing anything...
Benefits of Firewall for Business

Benefits of Firewall for Business

You can think of a firewall as a sturdy fence around the perimeter of your company’s network that keeps external threats out while allowing trusted customer and vendor traffic to enter by using a key that you have given to them. For any business, regardless of...

Data Center Security Best Practices

Organizations use physical data centers to house their data and critical applications. Modern data centers employ a virtualized infrastructure that supports business workloads, software applications and data in both a physical infrastructure and a cloud-based,...
Benefits of Information Security

Benefits of Information Security

Blog  Benefits of Information Security Benefits of Information Security Data privacy, confidentiality, availability, and integrity should be guaranteed in any organization. While it is all too easy to let your attention to information security lapse in favor of...
Types of Firewalls

Types of Firewalls

Threat actors are constantly prowling the perimeters of your computer network in search of a way to infiltrate it for their own destructive reasons. Companies cannot completely lock up their security landscape so tightly that unnecessary traffic is prevented from...
What is an MSSP

What is an MSSP

Blog  What is an MSSP What is an MSSP One of the most daunting challenges facing today’s businesses is protecting the security of the data they possess. For many, enlisting the assistance of a managed security services provider (MSSP) is the most cost-effective and...
Best Practices for Entreprise Email Security

Best Practices for Entreprise Email Security

With malware rampant and a ransomware attack occurring roughly once every 40 seconds, your company needs to do all it can to protect itself against these highly destructive threats to your data and gateway infrastructure. Phishing and other abuses of email are the...
IT Cost Reduction Strategies

IT Cost Reduction Strategies

Few modern businesses would be able to function without information technology. While eliminating it is neither practical nor desirable, there are ways to reduce IT cost without compromising the security or scope of your systems. By employing a suite of cost cutting...
Information Security Risk Management

Information Security Risk Management

The ongoing battle for data privacy waged against threat actors involves minimizing as many weaknesses, errors, flaws and vulnerabilities within your network system as possible. In order for that to happen, you need a set of dynamic, comprehensive information security...