Managed Security Service Provider Pricing

Sample Pricing











Security Monitoring

Security Event Management

SIEM / Event Correlation

Vulnerability Assessments

Automated Intrusion Detection

Event Correlation

NetFlow Monitoring

Actionable and relevant threat intelligence



Real-time emerging global threats



Security Intelligence

Correlation directives

Continuous real-time updates 24/7

Global threat intelligence



Threat Management

Advanced Endpoint Threat Detection

Intrusion Detection

Threat Analysis

Ransomware Detection

Advanced Endpoint Threat Prevention


Advanced Remediation Management



Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability Assessment And Remediation

On-Demand Vulnerability Scanning

Scheduled Vulnerability Scanning

Vulnerability Response





Vulnerability Scanning

Configuration and Scheduling





Intuitive dashboard and reporting

Automated updates

Threat Intelligence

Data Exfiltration Detection





Real-Time Botnet Detection





Command-and-Control Traffic Identification





IP, URL, and Domain Reputation Data



APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) Detection



Dynamic Incident Response and Investigation



Network Security/ Asset Discovery and Inventory

Behavioral Monitoring

Service and Infrastructure Monitoring

NetFlow Analysis



Network Protocol Analysis / Packet Capture



Continuous Security Monitoring


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What does Managed Security cost?

One of the most frequently asked questions from small local businesses to large global enterprises is what does Managed Security cost? The average cost for a MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) is impacted by the size and complexity of the IT environment, the number of geographic locations, and the type of security services required.

In evaluating the cost for managed security services, many industry analysts point to the TCO (total cost of ownership). The TCO for security includes factoring in the overall cost of internal security staff, infrastructure, compliance, and security incident and response.

The starting cost for managed security services for a business with 25 IP’s is $2,275 per month. Reducing the cost of security is of course very important – but a major benefit of TrustNet’s MSSP is our ability to keep our clients protected. This enables your IT organization and business to focus on their core strengths and business priorities.

Managed Security Service Provider Pricing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is an MSSP, and why do I need one?

A Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) like GhostWatch offers full-service, 24×7 managed security solutions powered by TrustNet. An MSSP provides continuous security monitoring, compliance support, advanced threat management, and other vital services to enhance your organization’s cybersecurity posture. 

2. How do MSSP pricing models work?

MSSP pricing models typically vary based on the range and complexity of services offered. GhostWatch provides comprehensive security features, including around-the-clock security monitoring, compliance support for multiple standards, advanced threat management, and more, which contribute to its pricing structure. 

3. What types of security services are typically included in MSSP offerings?

GhostWatch’s MSSP offerings include: 

    • Security Monitoring: 24×7 surveillance of digital assets.
    • Compliance Support: Adherence to standards like ISO 27001, SOC, PCI DSS, HIPAA, and HITRUST.
    • Advanced Threat Management: Threat detection, incident response, and threat management.
    • Vulnerability Management: Real-time threat intelligence and quick incident response.
    • Network Security: Comprehensive network protection.
    • Threat Intelligence: Up-to-date threat environment insights.
    • Cloud and Multi-Cloud Support: Protection for cloud installations.
    • Log Management: Integrated SIEM capabilities for real-time threat correlation.

4. How can I determine the right level of security services for my organization?

To determine the right level of security services, assess your organization’s specific needs and vulnerabilities. GhostWatch offers a variety of features which can be tailored to meet your unique requirements. 

 5. What is a managed security solution?

A managed security solution, like GhostWatch, involves comprehensive, round-the-clock management of your cybersecurity needs. This includes monitoring, compliance support, threat detection and response, vulnerability management, and more, all delivered through a robust platform with extensive coverage. 

6. How do I evaluate the quality and effectiveness of an MSSP?

Evaluate an MSSP by reviewing their experience, expertise, technology, and customer support. GhostWatch stands out with its industry-leading technology, a network of global security experts, continuous updates, and a comprehensive range of services that ensure robust cybersecurity measures. 

7. What are the potential risks and costs of not having adequate cybersecurity measures in place?

Without adequate cybersecurity measures, businesses face increased risks of breaches, data loss, and compliance failures. These can lead to significant financial losses, legal consequences, and damage to reputation. GhostWatch mitigates these risks with its full suite of managed security services, ensuring continuous protection and compliance. 

Evaluating Your Cybersecurity Needs and Budget

1. Assessing Your Cyber Risk Profile

Understanding your cyber risk profile is the first step in safeguarding your business. Here’s how you can start: 

    • Identify Sensitive Data: Determine what types of data you have—customer information, intellectual property, financial records—and where it’s stored.
    • Evaluate Threats: Consider potential threats specific to your industry and geography. Are you at higher risk for phishing attacks, ransomware, or insider threats?
    • Assess Vulnerabilities: Look at any existing weaknesses in your system. This could be outdated software, insufficient access controls, or lack of employee training. 

2. Determining Your Required Security Posture

Once you have a clear picture of your risks, it’s time to determine the security posture that aligns with those risks: 

  • Create an Asset Inventory: List all digital assets, including hardware, software, and sensitive data, to understand what needs protection. 
  • Rank and Prioritize Risks: Identify the most critical risks to your assets and prioritize them based on potential impact and likelihood. 
  • Educate Employees: Train your staff regularly on cybersecurity best practices to prevent human errors and insider threats. 
  • Create an Incident Management Plan: Develop a plan for responding to security incidents swiftly and effectively to minimize damage. 
  • Define and Track Metrics: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of your security controls. 
  • Automate Processes Where Possible: Use automation tools to enhance efficiency in security monitoring and threat detection. 
  • Continuously Test and Monitor Controls: Regularly test your security measures and monitor for new vulnerabilities to ensure ongoing protection. 

    3. Aligning Security Services with Your Business Objectives

    Your cybersecurity strategy should support your broader business goals, not hinder them. Here’s how to align security services with your objectives: 

    • Support Growth: Ensure that security measures scale with your business. GhostWatch, for example, offers scalable solutions that grow with your company. 
    • Enhance Productivity: Automated workflows and real-time threat intelligence can free up resources, allowing your team to focus on innovation rather than constant vigilance. 
    • Maintain Trust: Strong cybersecurity practices help build and maintain trust with customers and partners by protecting sensitive information. 

      4. Budgeting for Cybersecurity Costs

      Budgeting for cybersecurity can feel daunting, but breaking it down into manageable parts makes it easier. 

      • Prioritize Spending: Focus on the most critical areas identified in your risk assessment. Prioritize investments that offer the highest return in terms of risk reduction. 
      • Consider Total Cost of Ownership: Remember to factor in not just the initial costs but also ongoing expenses like maintenance, updates, and staff training. 
      • Leverage Managed Services: Using an MSSP like GhostWatch can often be more cost-effective than building an in-house team. It provides access to advanced technologies and expert guidance without significant overhead costs. 

      By strategically planning your cybersecurity budget, you ensure that every dollar spent is effectively contributing to a stronger security posture. 

      Choosing the Right MSSP and Pricing Model

      1. Evaluating MSSP Capabilities and Expertise

      It’s critical to assess an MSSP’s capabilities and expertise before employing one. This ensures they can meet your specific security needs: 

      • Industry Experience: Look for an MSSP with extensive experience in your industry. GhostWatch, for example, has a proven track record across various sectors. 
      • Range of Services: Ensure the MSSP offers comprehensive services, including threat detection, incident response, vulnerability management, and compliance support. 
      • Client Testimonials and Case Studies: Review client testimonials and case studies to gauge their effectiveness and customer satisfaction. 
      • Technology Stack: Evaluate the tools and technologies they use. GhostWatch employs cutting-edge solutions to provide advanced threat intelligence and automated security measures. 
      • Customer Support: Assess the quality of their customer support. GhostWatch is known for its responsive and knowledgeable support team available round-the-clock. 

        2. Comparing Pricing Models and Services Offered

        Different MSSPs offer various pricing models and service packages. Understanding these options can help you make an informed decision: 

        • Flat-Rate Pricing: Some MSSPs, like GhostWatch, offer flat-rate pricing, which provides predictable monthly costs and includes a comprehensive set of services. 
        • Tiered Pricing: This model allows you to choose from different service levels—basic, standard, and premium—depending on your specific needs and budget. 
        • Usage-Based Pricing: Charges are based on the amount of data processed or the number of users. This model can be beneficial for businesses with fluctuating security needs. 
        • À La Carte Services: This option lets you select individual services as needed, allowing for customization but potentially higher costs. 

          3. Considering Additional Fees and Subscription Options

          It’s important to be aware of any additional fees and subscription options that might apply: 

          • Setup and Onboarding Fees: Some MSSPs charge for initial setup and onboarding. MSSPs typically include these costs in its comprehensive service packages. 
          • Customization Fees: Customizing services to fit your unique requirements may incur extra charges. 
          • Subscription Length: Understand the terms of the contract—monthly, yearly, or multi-year subscriptions. GhostWatch offers flexible subscription options to suit different business needs. 
          • Add-On Services: Be mindful of add-on services such as advanced threat analytics or dedicated account managers that could increase overall costs. 

          Considering these factors ensures no surprises and lets you plan your MSSP budget effectively. 

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          Why Should I Work With TrustNet?

          There was a time when a company’s internal IT department was fully equipped to address any and all of the emerging security needs. The cyber threat landscape has changed significantly since then, making it difficult for internal staff to keep up with every update. TrustNet approaches security from a macro perspective that includes all systems, protocols, practices, and controls throughout the organization. With TrustNet’s guidance, information security becomes everyone’s responsibility.

          TrustNet equips your organization with the cutting-edge technology and cybersecurity professionals needed to stay on top of today’s digital threat landscape. Having a top-flight MSSP specialist on your side gives the security of your data and systems the attention it deserves while freeing up your human resources to run and grow your core business.

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