Blog  5 Key Takeaways from the 2023-2024 CISA Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence

5 Key Takeaways from the 2023-2024 CISA Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence

| Blog, Compliance, Managed Security


The “2023–2024 CISA Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence” is a strategic guide outlining the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) approach towards AI and its role in cybersecurity. The roadmap, in alignment with the whole-of-government AI strategy, reflects key actions led by CISA under Executive Order 14110 and additional initiatives to bolster AI security. It spotlights CISA’s commitment to promoting AI’s beneficial uses in enhancing cybersecurity capabilities, protecting AI systems from cyber threats, and deterring malicious use of AI against critical infrastructure. 

The roadmap emphasizes manufacturers adopting ‘secure by design’ principles, including taking ownership of customer security outcomes, leading product development with radical transparency and accountability, and prioritizing security in business operations. As AI continues to permeate critical systems, the roadmap stresses that security must be an inherent requirement in AI system development, integrated from inception and throughout its lifecycle. 
Keep reading to learn more about TrustNet’s key takeaways from the 2023-2024 CISA Roadmap for AI. 

Key Takeaway 1: Responsibly Use AI

The roadmap outlines a commitment to promote the responsible use of AI to bolster cybersecurity and other aspects of CISA’s mission. The agency plans to utilize AI-enabled software tools to enhance cyber defense and support critical infrastructure operations. The adoption of AI by CISA will be guided by principles of responsible, ethical, and safe use in compliance with the Constitution, federal procurement policies, privacy regulations, civil rights, and civil liberties. 

AI can play a pivotal role in detecting and responding to cyberattacks. By analyzing large volumes of data at high speed, AI systems can identify patterns and anomalies that might indicate a cyber threat, enabling faster and more effective responses. This proactive approach can significantly reduce the damage caused by cyberattacks and improve overall security. 

Furthermore, AI can enhance risk assessment and incident response. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, AI can predict potential threats based on historical data and current trends, allowing for better preparedness.  

Additionally, AI can assist in automating incident response, reducing the time taken to mitigate threats. Lastly, AI can be employed to improve cybersecurity training for the workforce, creating realistic simulation scenarios and providing personalized learning experiences. 

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Key Takeaway 2: Assure AI Systems

The roadmap also emphasizes the importance of assuring AI systems, that is, protecting them from cybersecurity threats. This includes not just developing secure AI practices but also implementing robust cybersecurity measures for AI systems. CISA aims to evaluate and assist in the adoption of ‘secure by design’ AI-based software across various stakeholders. These include federal civilian government agencies, private sector companies, and state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments. 

To achieve this, CISA will focus on the development of best practices and guidance for secure and resilient AI software development and implementation. This involves creating strategies and protocols that prioritize security from the onset of AI system development, ensuring that potential vulnerabilities are identified and addressed before deployment. 

By doing so, CISA aims to build a strong foundation of trust and reliability around AI systems, encouraging its wider adoption across different sectors. This assurance is crucial in mitigating potential risks and threats associated with AI, thereby enhancing the overall security and resilience of the nation’s critical infrastructure. 

Key Takeaway 3: Protect Critical Infrastructure From Malicious Use of AI

The roadmap also highlights the need to protect critical infrastructure from the malicious use of AI capabilities. As advances in AI bring about new potential risks, CISA is committed to addressing these threats proactively. The agency aims to evaluate and recommend measures to mitigate AI threats facing the nation’s critical infrastructure. 

This initiative involves a collaborative approach, with CISA working in partnership with other government agencies and industry partners. These collaborations are key to developing, testing, and evaluating AI tools, ensuring that they meet security standards and are resilient against potential threats. 

CISA aims to deter malicious actors from exploiting AI capabilities to compromise critical infrastructure. This commitment reflects a broader effort to safeguard national security, emphasizing the importance of AI in the cybersecurity landscape and the need for robust strategies to manage its risks. 

Key Takeaway 4: Collaborate with and Communicate on Key AI Efforts with the Interagency, International Partners, and the Public

The roadmap outlines a collaborative and communicative approach to AI efforts involving interagency, international partners, and the public. This is a whole-of-agency plan that aligns with the national AI strategy. CISA will play a significant role in DHS-led and interagency processes on AI-enabled software. 

One of the key aspects of this line of effort (LOE) is the development of policy approaches for the U.S. government’s overall national strategy on AI. This involves supporting a whole-of-DHS approach to AI-based software policy issues. It’s about creating comprehensive strategies and policies that consider the benefits and risks associated with AI, ensuring that critical infrastructure owners and operators are well-equipped to manage these risks while leveraging the benefits. 

Additionally, this LOE includes coordinating with international partners to advance global AI security best practices and principles. This underscores the importance of international collaboration in addressing AI-related challenges and promoting its safe and ethical use. 

Key Takeaway 5: Expand AI Expertise in our Workforce

The roadmap also strongly emphasizes expanding AI expertise within the workforce. Recognizing the importance of having a knowledgeable and skilled workforce in AI systems and techniques, CISA will continue to educate its current staff while actively recruiting new members with AI expertise. 

This includes interns, fellows, and future employees, all of whom will bring fresh perspectives and knowledge to the agency. In doing so, CISA aims to ensure that its workforce is prepared to manage the risks while leveraging the benefits of AI. 

CISA’s educational initiatives will go beyond the technical aspects of AI. The agency will ensure that internal training reflects that new recruits understand AI-based software systems’ legal, ethical, and policy aspects. 

Harnessing AI’s Potential: Unpacking the 2023-2024 CISA Roadmap

The 2023-2024 CISA Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence presents a comprehensive plan for harnessing the potential of AI while managing its associated risks. Five key takeaways from this roadmap include: 

  • Promoting beneficial uses of AI 
  • Protecting AI systems from cybersecurity threats 
  • Deterring malicious use of AI against critical infrastructure 
  • Collaborating and communicating on key AI efforts with interagency, international partners, and the public 
  • Expanding AI expertise within the workforce  

These strategies ensure responsible and secure AI deployment and represent a whole-of-agency plan aligned with the national AI strategy. 

TrustNet can play a pivotal role in actualizing these strategies. With our expertise in cybersecurity and compliance, TrustNet can assist in protecting AI systems, deterring malicious use of AI, and bolstering AI expertise in the workforce. 

Choose TrustNet and be part of the solution to secure our AI-driven future. Contact us today for a free consultation!

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