Attack Vectors in Cybersecurity
Blog Think of hackers and other cyber criminals as a hoard of barbarians doing all they can to bypass even the most robust of your network safeguards. The way they do it is by taking advantage of what is known as cyber attack vectors, weaknesses in your...
What is a Cyber Security Posture
Blog Security is not simply a firewall or set of user authentication policies that cover small parts of your organization. In fact, you should think of your cyber security posture as a complete whole that pertains to the protection status of your networks,...
Man-in-the-middle Attacks
Many threats lurk right outside your network just waiting to exploit even the tiniest weakness or vulnerability. Of all of them, the man in the middle attack (mitm) is one of the worst. Just what is man in the middle attack, and what steps can you take to prevent it...
Cybersecurity Audit Services
Blog No longer is a cyber attack a rare phenomenon. Nowadays, there is a good chance that one will affect your company. In recent years, protecting the security of your digital perimeter has become a necessity since the consequences of failing to do so are...
How to Build an Incident Response Team
Blog Since safeguarding the integrity of your network and other systems is of paramount importance to companies of all sizes, you have most likely implemented measures such as firewall software and hardware that are designed to protect your key assets from...
Firewall Hardware and Firewall Software
A firewall is an essential layer in your network security infrastructure that you absolutely need to have installed. Utilizing user-defined rules, they are designed to allow desired traffic to flow while filtering out unwanted data. Understanding hardware vs software...
Types of Threats and Vulnerabilities in Cyber Security
Blog As the recent epidemic of data breaches illustrates, no system is immune to attacks. Any company that manages, transmits, stores, or handles data must institute and enforce mechanisms to monitor their cyber environment, identify vulnerabilities, and...
PCI DSS Compliance Fines and Consequences
Data security is one of the highest priorities for modern businesses. Recognizing this critical need, the five major credit card companies formed the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). In due course, that consortium devised the new Payment...
What is AWS PCI Compliance?
Blog If your business handles payment card data, you need to be familiar with PCI DSS compliance. But what exactly is this standard, and why is it so important? The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security guidelines...
SOC 1 vs SOC 2
Blog When it comes to keeping your organization’s data secure and compliant, understanding SOC reports is a must. SOC 1 and SOC 2 might sound like technical jargon, but they’re actually quite important for financial reporting and data protection. SOC 1...